Polo Cowboy by G. Neri - a short review

When I finished Ghetto Cowboy I wanted to know more and I quickly looked up more information on the true story behind these novels. I imagine most adult readers did the same. But for kids, they just want a sequel – and now they have one – and it’s a good one! 
The story picks up where Ghetto Cowboy left off so readers are going to want to read it first to get the full back story of how Cole became a Ghetto Cowboy. Cole is a little older and much wiser in Polo Cowboy. He doesn’t want to go back to the way he was in the past, so knowing how he was is important to understand his further growth. This is a more mature story and includes a new female character that adds to Cole’s world (and growing up).                                                          

Much like Ghetto Cowboy, the polo depictions in Polo Cowboy are based on a real Philadelphia black polo organization. I think the fact that these entities exist not only help to ground the story, and make kids curious, but are an excellent opportunity for social studies discussions. I highly recommend both titles for classroom and library purchase in upper elementary and middle schools. 

Student readers who enjoy realistic fiction, coming of age, horses, and/or historically framed settings will enjoy this series.
Genre: Realistic Fiction
 Age: 10-14
 Pages: 288
Thank You: LibraryThing
Advisory: Some bad language, but not much and not too gratuitous 
Publisher: Candlewick
 Date: October 2021
 ISBN: 978-1536207118
 Themes: Coming of age, friendship, perseverance, 
 Character: Genuine and realistic
 Plot: Slow to start, must have read previous novel to fully appreciate.
Originality: Based on facts, but not much like it out there
Believability: 100%, very relatable
Diversity: Great representation of black organizations

Buy Polo Cowboy Here 

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