My Two Cents: Babymoon's
Both sweetly enamored, and a bit apprehensive, the new parents bask in the glow of baby. Even the family dog and cat mirror the daze. From its opening lines, "The house is hushed. The lights are low. We’re basking in a newborn glow," Babymoon
The first page contains a gift template making Babymoon

Genre: Picture BookAge: Probably adults as much as children, but 2-5 officially
Pages: 32
Date: March 14, 2019
ISBN: 0763688523
Thank You to LibraryThing & Candlewick Press for my gorgeous copy!
Themes: New baby, Parental Love, Family
Character: Parents are simply a reflection of the love and joy they feel for their baby
Plot: Not that kind of book. Basically, just basking in that aforementioned glow
Originality: I had not heard the term babymoon, but I think it may rise to higher use after this sweet book.
Believability: Yep, parents are not all easy and glow; they are apprehensive, uncertain, and pensive at times
Diversity: Very good. Lighter-skinned father, darker-skinned mother, gender neutral baby. Quiet joy of breastfeeding depicted.
BUY Babymoon HERE
Read more about author Hayley Barrett HERE.
Read more about illustrator Juana Martinez-Neal HERE.
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