My Two Cents: Popping it's little head back into publication on the heals of L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time movie hoopla, The Other Dog
Some quick teaching thoughts:
- Compare the dog's character traits to humans (anthropomorphisms).
- Examine the narrator's point of view compared to what the reader knows (it's a baby, not a dog!).
- Examine how the illustrations help the reader know more than the dog. (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.)
- Discuss rivalry and jealousy - vocabulary meanings, as well as feelings
- As an added bonus, the author includes a true tale of Touche L'Engle-Franklin, which is as interesting as the story itself. This would be a great addition for older students reading A Wrinkle in Time
in order to learn a little bit more about the author herself or as a great way-in book to compare writing styles (very different) from the same author.
Genre: Picture BookAge: 4-8
Pages: 48
Themes: Sibling Rivalry, Family, Point of View
Character Development: Love the sassy dog narrator
Plot Engagement: Decent, not super engaging, but sweet and slow win-over of the dog brings a smile
Originality: More just a sweet tale of the author's real dog, not meant to be super out-there like her other works
Believability: The protagonist's voice, along with the true-tale, gives it strong believability
Thank You to Chronicle Books for my lovely copy.
Date: New issue = May 2018
ISBN: 978-1452171890
BUY The Other Dog HERE
Most people know Newbery winning author Madeleine L'Engle from her Time Quintet series that began the fabulous, and one of my all-time favorite novels, A Wrinkle in Time
Teachers can find lots of resources and information for her many books there also.
----------------- That's all folks! -----------------
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