The final installment of the The Ascendance Trilogy
This series is male/female friendly with strong characters all around. It's also a good choice for reluctant readers as the action is swift and super engaging. Filled with humor, romance and lots of adventure, MANY students will enjoy this series.
-------------------- Resources --------------------
Age: Middle Grade through Young Adult
Themes: Coming of Age, Friendship,
Character Development: Excellent! With an unreliable protagonist that steals the show
Plot Engagement: Superb. Constant twists and trying to figure out what the main character is planning
Originality: Good. There have been a few in this vein, but Nielson does it better
Thank You to Net Galley & the publishers at Scholastic for my E-review copy
Advisory: Read this series in order!
Publisher: Scholastic
Date: February 2014
ISBN: 978-0545284172
BUY The Shadow Throne: Book 3 of The Ascendance Trilogy HERE
You can read more about the author on her website: HERE
-------------------- That's all folks! --------------------
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