My Thoughts: Some picture books are educational. They serve a purpose, but they aren't meant to illicit an emotional response. Some picture books shoot for the Caldecott, all lush with artistic wonder. Occasionally we get a stellar mix. At the Same Moment, Around the World
Recommended for both elementary classroom & library purchase. In fact, I would probably buy it for middle school classrooms also as the concept of time zones is still one worth investigating in 6th grade social science.
-------------------- Resources --------------------
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Age: 5-8
Pages: 36
Themes: Interconnectivity of the world, Time Zones
Thank You to Chronicle Books for my advanced copy.
Publisher: Chronicle Books; Fol Har/Ma edition
Date: March 2014
ISBN: 978-1452122083
BUY At the Same Moment, Around the World HERE
Lesson ideas:
- The book includes a an explanation of time zones and a world map depicting where each child's story occurs. I can't imagine teaching about time zones without this book! In fact, I'm not certain that a portion of older students might enjoy this book also....
- The BBC has a site devoted to explaining time zones HERE
- Cute little quiz on time zones HERE (made more fun by the British accents :-)
- Author interview over at
- Add science! Make a water clock HERE, Make a sundial HERE,
- Investigate various webcams around the world HERE (all three found via The Canadian Homeschooler). Maybe use the webcam to make up narratives about the people you see?
- World time zone map HERE
About the author: Clotilde Perrin is a French children's book writer & illustrator with MANY books to her credit. Once I saw all of her gorgeous collection, I put her straight on my list of 'books to find!" You can read more about her (good old Google Chrome will translate) on her website.
-------------------- That's all folks! --------------------
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