You see..... I took this little job called "reading coach" at a very nice, but large and urban, middle school and I vastly underestimated the change involved in moving, taking a PhD class, selling a house, buying a house and dreaming up reading & literacy schemes for 1200 middle school kids. Somewhere in the craziness I also managed an injury and surgery. Needless to say, that little job is anything but little and the other events of this year pale by comparison.
So Reading Rumpus took the hit. I'm working feverishly to get the 37 reviews done and I've set a goal of one review per week for next year (fingers crossed). In the meantime, I really need to thank some folks for keeping me on their radar:

Simon & Schuster Young Readers for Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
Barbara Dee for her wonderful This Is Me From Now On
The Picnic Basket & Clarion Books for Alchemy and Meggy Swann by Karen Cushman
Macmillan Children's Publishing for The Gardener
Media Masters Publicity for tons of National Geographic children's titles
Cinco Puntos Press for Last Night I Sang to the Monster
Sourcebooks for Poetry Speaks Who I Am
Library Thing and Candlewick Press for The Secret to Lying
Candlewick Press for How Do You Wokka-Wokka?
Tundra Books for Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: RL Stevenson's Strange Case
Lee and Low books for Bird
Tree Town Promotions for Ten Tips for Raising Readers
Chronicle Books for Ivy & Bean
B&B Media for The Black-White Achievement Gap: Why Closing It Is the Greatest Civil Rights Issue of Our Time
Gayle Brandeis for her book My Life with the Lincolns
I know I missed quite a few, but in the move many books were not forwarded by the post. Please accept my apologies again and use the email link in the top right corner if you need to contact me.
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