Nick is a street-smart orphan-boy. Penny’s the indefatigable daughter of a Boston tavern owner. The British are everywhere, exerting their power over the colonists. Very quickly Nick and Penny are thrown into the heat of the action building up to the start of the Revolutionary War. The Old North Church lanterns, the midnight ride, the Battle at Bunker Hill as well as numerous American revolutionaries stumble through the fast-paced story. As Nick and Penny witness the revolution unfold, readers learn key information about this time in American history without the didactic feel of a textbook or even a nonfiction account.
The Road to Revolution!
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Genre: Historical Fiction. Age: 9-12. Pages:128.

Themes: Cooperation, Courage

ISBN-10: 1599903717 / ISBN-13: 978-1599903712.
Thanks to Media Masters Publicity for my copy.
Order The Road to Revolution! Here
You can read more about author Stan Mack on his website
Publisher Website: Bloomsbury USA
Author quote from Publisher’s Weekly: “…These stories will be straight, juicy adventure stories. The history will be solid but young readers won’t need to know the history to enjoy the books.” … And while all the books in the series will feature a young boy and girl, Mack emphasized that the girl will have an equal role in the narrative….”
© 2007-2009 Cheryl Vanatti for www.ReadingRumpus.com
Review also posted as National Reading Examiner.