I have long enjoyed images by Eugenio Recuenco, especially the fairy tale inspired ones and thought I'd share a few here:

Also not certain if I want to download the Amazon Kindle app for my iPhone. I already use Stanza and can't see why Kindle might be better. Anyone want to sell me the reason? (via Engadget)

Goats are cool:

Only go near this link if you have hours of time to waste.
Book & Education Stuff:
Great interview with Neil Gaiman @ School Library Journal (via Educating Alice)
OH! How I love this year's Children's Book Week poster!

If you, or those kids you love, are a fan of Meg Cabot, you don't want to miss

Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m. EST / 4:30 p.m. PST
Where: Right Here
Lets hope Congress doesn't throw out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to Reading First. I have first-hand knowledge of its success. If education initiatives keep starting over and not teaking what they know works, we're continually at square one.... which is typical when politics get involved. Interesting plea in the Grand Rapids Press via Reading Rockets. And another pro Reading First post via Joanne Jacobs.

Becky's Book Reviews made me really want this one!
With Earth Day (4/22) looming, kids can cast their vote with Scholastic's Kids' Environmental Report Card

But wait! Before we ever get to Earth Day, let's not forget Saint Patrick's Day on March 17th. Scholastic has a list of books to checkout. My fave?

Finally, the discussion about forming National Standards heads to The Governors Association. Looks like this great idea will be a go soon with our new Ed. Secretary and many groups backing it. I'm still a bit torn over the idea, hoping for an allowance of individual state freedoms on top of any National Standards. (via Education Week)