My initial list was forty-two. I had to devise a system to order them, to determine which was the most important. Important? To whom?
To me. These are my PERSONAL favorites (with reasoning duly noted):

Favorite passage: “and it was still hot.”

Favorite passage: “ When they’ve finished reading, Olivia’s mother gives her a kiss and says, 'You know, you really wear me out. But I love you anyway.' And Olivia gives her a kiss back and says, 'I love you anyway too.'”

Great rhyming tale about a family from my neck of the woods. I LOVE to read this book aloud with my Hoosier twang in full glory.
Favorite passage: “ And I was just a sittin’
And a lookin’ out the winder
When I saw what I saw
Scoot up the old oak tree.”

Why is this one is out of print!?! It's soooo timely, cute and heartwarming. I just can’t understand. An amazing, witty story of acceptance and friendship.
Favorite Passage: ”They talked for hours over tea and told each other things they had never told anyone.”

Favorite Passage: “The Big Cheese tried to catch up to the hot dog with all the relish he could muster.”

Favorite Passage: “ Toot told his friend of his adventure and how he finally got back to Woodcock Pocket. ‘I loved the sleigh ride,’ he said. ‘ It felt like we were flying.’ ‘I wonder who the driver was,’ said Puddle.”

Favorite passage: “Feeling rather hungry, Marvin stopped for a bite. ‘Ah, the Jungle Fruit Platter,’ said the waiter. ‘An excellent choice!’”
My final three books will not feature personal photos because I no longer own them. My children have taken them, along with my heart, into adulthood. I am choosing them purely for personal reasons; only remember them as emotion and not as writing or illustration.

For my oldest son (age 27). He loved all the Little Critter books and records (yes, little 45s were included with the books in the 80's & I can still sing the accompanying song!) I chose this particular one because as Grandma & Critter sit on their beach towel, a crab runs up and clicks his claws. I can still picture my son's surprise-filled toddler face every single time that crab appeared.

For my daughter (age 25). She loved this story for its play on fairy tales and rollicking silliness. She liked being ‘in’ on the joke and was never a happily-ever-after sort of gal. She read it into teen-dom and, in fact, may still be reading it while attending veterinary med. school.

As I planned this post I fell in love all over again. Thank you, Ms. Bird, for this great idea!