The publisher’s blurb: “While Little Skink hunts yummy ants for breakfast, she is suddenly attacked by a crow! But she has a trick to escape – she snaps off her tail, and it keeps on wiggling! Little Skink is happy to be alive, but she misses her bright blue tail. Little Skink’s Tail follows Little Skink as she daydreams of having the tails of other animals in the forest. Readers will enjoy pretending with her, trying on tail after tail….”
After reading Little Skink's Tail

Though I’m not a picture book expert, I’m especially impressed with Little Skink's Tail
Little Skink's Tail
Recommended for both classroom and elementary library purchase.
-------------------- Resources --------------------
Genre: Picture Book. Age: 4-8. Pages: 32.

Themes: Determination, Imagination, Science/Nature
Special Thanks to Sylvan Dell Publishing & Janet Halfmann.
Publisher: Sylvan Dell. Date: August 2007.
ISBN-10: 0976882388 / ISBN-13: 978-0976882381
Buy Little Skink's Tail Here
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Though the book includes a couple activities in the back, you can also download teaching activities, quizzes, author/illustrator interviews, standards alignments and related website links on the Sylvan-Dell Publishing Little Skink’s Tail Page: HERE
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