I’ve read a quite a few Terry Pratchett novels and Good Omens, co-written with Neil Gaiman, is a personal favorite so I was excited to read Pratchett’s new novel, Nation. The story is standard Pratchett fare with humor and lofty ideals as common cohorts; yet, this one seems a bit heavier handed and I couldn’t help thinking Pratchett’s recent Alzheimer’s diagnosis was guiding his hand.
Nation is an alternate universe story of Mau, a young man on the cusp of manhood, and Daphne, a young girl stranded on Mau’s island. They meet after a giant tidal wave kills the members of shipwrecked Daphne’s English vessel and Mau’s island tribal-like nation. As a side note, the world is in a state of upheaval with many having succumbed to a plague. Gradually Daphne and Mau march toward maturity and form a new nation, but not without having first grappled with themes of religion, faith, cultural identity, prejudice and most core belief systems. The story itself is told in standard adventure style, but it hides a much deeper lining.
Nation is a valuable addition to the dystopia/utopia & alternate universe genres. The story of rebuilding a nation after devastating loss is easily comparable to current world events. This will prove valuable for educators who wish to use Nation as a jumping off point for current history, cultural or political discussions. And though Nation has been categorized young adult, I suspect many adults will take pleasure in it also.
I found Pratchett’s resistance to steer the romantic nuances in a different direction especially refreshing, leaving the idea that men and woman can form true friendships and lasting bonds without all the lovey-dovey folly associated with many young adult novels. I continually pictured Pratchett imagining a tsunami or plague overtaking the Western World and wiping out all the bad. If the ending chapter were to stand alone as a thesis on the soul of mankind, it’d form a very good nation, indeed.