Judy’s teacher is attending one of those things where teachers go to learn more teaching stuff and Judy has a substitute teacher. The substitute thinks Judy has a math deficiency so Judy’s parents get her a tutor. Judy’s tutor is a college student, Chloe, who exudes coolness. Soon, Judy’s not only cool with math, but also cool with all her third grade peeps.
It is no wonder that the Judy Moody series is a hit. Judy is this generation’s Ramona, great company of which to be compared. Teachers will find many opportunities to discuss classroom & family dynamics, facing obstacles and attitude in this title. The title is also great for independent readers who like humor and/or realistic fiction.
-------------------- Resources --------------------
Genre: Realistic Fiction. Age: 4-8. Pages: 144.

Themes: Determination, Humor

Awards: Thank You: Advisory:
Publisher: Candlewick. Date: July 2008.
ISBN-10: 0763628336 / ISBN-13: 978-0763628338
Buy Judy Moody Goes to College Here
Learn More about the Judy Moody series HERE.
Some Judy Moody lesson plans
