The story begins with Oscar, a boy who feels cursed and abandoned. His adoptive parents have split and his mother needs to leave Oscar with his father while she pursues a relationship with the 'King of Condos,' promising Oscar that if all goes right he might just end up as the 'Prince of Condos.' The story was progressing nicely. I liked Oscar. He had a strong voice and a relatable situation. Then, BAM!
What I thought was a simple baseball story turned into a ........ FANTASY novel. It seems there are creatures living under Fenway Park. And they are cursed too. And they need Oscar's help because he might just be the one to lift the curse.
After I got past that suspension of disbelief bubble pop, I settled in to a good elementary-level novel geared toward engaging male readers. The characters were unique and delightful. Oscar's father took on a better persona, Oscar rose to the occasion and the fantasy characters were a humorous quirky lot. The inclusion of baseball trivia and, especially, the appearance of some of baseball's legends was fantastic. I did pause over the tidy ending, but concluded that there are enough realistic divorce stories for kids to read.
Advisory: It's important to note that The Prince of Fenway Park
Recommended for fantasy readers, sports themed story enthusiasts and elementary classrooms.
-------------------- Resources --------------------
Genre: Fantasy. Age: 9-12. Pages: 336.

Themes: Non-Traditional Families, Determination, Individuality.

ISBN-10: 006087242X / ISBN-13: 978-0060872427
Buy The Prince of Fenway Park Here
Go check out the really cool book website with a teacher's guide, a writing contest and ... you might even get a free copy of the book HERE.
